

The clinic first opened in 2002, under the care of Mr. Boonrat, a very experienced mahout. Under his guidance mahouts were encouraged to go for further training at Lampang Thai Elephant Conservation Centre to learn how to take better care of their elephants.
It wasn’t until 2011 that the Clinic gained the first certificated veterinarian Dr.Pakkanut Bansiddhi DVM. Procedures and equipment have been modernized at the Clinic enabling us, not only to treat our own elephants, but the other 300 or so in the valley free of charge.
The medical personal of our free Elephant Clinic are Veterinarian Dr.Panida Muanghong DVM. Assistants Mr.Kajon Wangpeng.Mr.Latoon

Funding for the Clinic is vital for the further expansion of the Clinic. Our funds come from the Elephant Art Gallery here at the Park, donations, support from tourists, elephant enthusiasts worldwide and the local villages. This enables all the elephants to enjoy better care and comfort.


Here at Maetaeng Elephant Clinic we have been using herbal treatments alongside modern drugs for several years. We use these in treatment of wounds and nourishment that would be found by the elephants if they were still working in the jungle. This knowledge has been inherited from mahouts who have worked with elephants for a longtime in the past. Herbs used can be found locally and are easily obtained.

There are many advantages of using herbal medicines. They are readily available so saving money. No adverse drug reactions. Natural, so providing nutrients found in the jungle. Lastly, herbs used are for wound treatment so promotes natural healing of the elephant.

Herbs used in Elephants Can be classified based on applications.
1. Herbs for wound healing
2. Herbal Hot Compress
3. Herbs for health supplement
4. Other herbs

Herbs For Wound Healing

Including 3 Herbs:
Turmeric is used to treat allergies, rashes, itchy skin, blisters, insect bites. reduces inflammation effective against. Bacteria that cause pus and kill fungi that cause skin disease help heal wounds on the body to heal faster.
Betel Leaf
Betel leaves contain many important substances that have anesthetic effects and help to stimulate circulation. It inhibits the growth and kills bacteria that cause anti-fungal pustules of dermatitis and ringworm. reduce pain and swelling.
Red Lime
Treatment of allergic dermatitis, rash, insect bites and effect of anti-bacteria. Reduces inflammation and induce wound healing.
Chop the betel leaf and turmeric into small pieces and thoroughly crushed, then put the lime mix together. Smear to the wound once a day.

Herbal Hot Compress

Including 10 Herbs:
Bitter bush
Boil or crush and place on wound as poultice
to stop bleeding
Mikania cordata Rob
Use leaves to reduce inflammation and
induce wound healing
Broken bones tree
Use bark to improves blood circulation
Gamari tree
Use bark to reduce Inflammation
Narra tree
Use bark to induce wound healing
Sensitive plant
Use tree to reduce inflammation
Blue trumphet vine
To antidote the toxic of some plants, snake bite and pesticide
Use root to reduce inflammation
Induce wound healing
Contain a natural bacteria killer
Boil a bundle of each herb together and warm compress on affected region of skin twice a day.

Herbs For Health Supplement

Including 18 Herbs:
Sugar Cane
Elephant Apple
Garuga pinnata Roxb.
Hog Plum Tree
Lasia spinosa(L.) Thwaites.
Heartleaf Moonseed
Cogon Grass Root
Nut grass
Pineapple root
Wodier tree
Aloe Vera
Chop herbs together, drying by expose to the sun and mold to a bolus. Feed 10 pieces per day


This is our medical team and they can be seen daily at the Clinic looking after sick or injured elephants.
The team have helped many elephants and are a great asset to the park looking after the wellbeing of Thailand’s National Treasure the Elephant.